Transform Your Forest Into a High-Value Asset.
Plan More. Grow Better. Harvest Sooner.
Connect with other landowners, foresters, and loggers in your area for advice, discussions, and services. Use our premium software and tools to optimize your management, grow better timber, and turn your forest into a true generational asset.

Level-Up Your Forest Management.
Map Your Land and Forest Management Plan
Make online maps of your land (or any land around the world) to store data, document changes, and organize your forest for future silvicultural treatments and harvests. Export your maps as a georeferenced image to use offline with your phone’s GPS, then import points and tracks taken in the field.

Forester AI
Ask Questions and Get Professional-Level Advice With Forester AI
Our custom Forester AI has been fed a knowledge base of thousands of pages of textbooks, Forest Service manuals, silvicultural field guides, academic studies, and more. It’s like having the world’s smartest forester at your fingertips.

Gain Crucial Forest Management Skills With Our Online Courses
Our tree felling and silviculture courses teach you critical skills in a compact and beginner-friendly format using real, practical examples from the field.

Harvest Planning and Growth Modeling
Plan Sustainable Harvests and Estimate Volumes With Real Data
Plan consistent and sustainable harvests and cashflows with our area control planning tool. Research and estimate standing volume and growth rates of your forest from over 100,000 data points taken from across United States forests.

Financial Analysis
Optimize Forest Cash Flows and Future Returns
Estimate the return of your forest over time based on predicted cashflows. Test variables to understand how they could affect outcomes and make informed decisions to best optimize your forest’s financial performance.

Who We Are
My name is Zachary Lowry. I’ve spent my career working in the deep woods of Maine as a forester for some of the largest landowners in the country as well as being a landowner myself. I know what it takes to grow and manage a great forest. That’s why I built SilviCultural– to take an otherwise expensive and complicated craft and distill it into a perfectly simplified digital Swiss-army knife to be available and accessible to the everyday landowner. These tools are all you need to transform your forest to a true generational asset.
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee.
Not Satisfied? We'll Refund Your Money No Questions Asked.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Join?
SilviCulture is open to landowners, foresters, loggers, sawmill operators, and those wanting to learn about forestry.
How Can These Tools Improve My Forest?
Forest Management is all about planning and managing uncertainty. SilviCultural’s custom tools helps you organize your land on a micro level, determine likely growth patterns, and create a plan that makes financial sense.
Is There a Limit to How Many Maps I Can Make?
No. The mapping Program allows for unlimited map exports and feature creation. Make maps for any occasion, whether for forestry or recreation.
Can I Cancel Anytime?
Yes, your membership is billed monthly and can be cancelled any time prior to the next billing period.