New Pricing Structure and Free Community Access

After feedback from users and the broader community, we are making changes to SilviCultural’s pricing structure to make it more accessible for all. Previously, only one all-access plan was sold at a rate of $13.99/month. This plan has been reduced to $8.99/month, and current subscribers have been reduced to this rate with no additional action required on their end. In addition, a new lifetime membership option has been introduced for a one-time payment of $99.99. The greatest change, however, is that users can now create an account and access community features for free, but this free tier does not include access to the premium features–mapping, financial analysis, growth, and courses.

Why the Change?

SilviCultural is subject to a network externality: communities are only communities if people join in, and if people don’t join in, there is no reason to join a community, creating a massive downward pressure on everything. The increased accessibility is in an effort to overcome this hurdle and provide value to all. Because the paid plans then lost a benefit, the price was reduced to compensate. This change will help the growth of this community move much faster than it otherwise would have.

All Current Users Will Be Grandfathered Forever

These changes may not be permanent. If in the future, a free community overly distorts the signal-noise ratio of conversations or attracts too many disinterested users, this decision may be reversed. Moreover, the addition of new features and tools to the paid plan may lead to an increase in prices. However, all users will be grandfathered into their plan forever, so if you buy the lifetime membership today, you will forever have access to future features at no extra cost. Likewise, joining the community now for free will allow you to maintain access even if the community once again becomes closed, so act accordingly!

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