Make Informed Economic Decisions
SilviCultural comes with a financial analysis tool to help you estimate the financial returns of your land based on predicted cashflows over a rotation. With a detailed explanation of every input and output, you can simply plug in variables to make an estimation and adjust variables to see the potential impacts of different outcomes.

- Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return Per Acre
- Nominal Profit/Loss Per Acre
- Expected Real Estate Values
- Inflation Impacts Over Time
- Discounted Revenues and Expenses Per Acre Broken Down by Harvests and Events
Estimate NPV, IRR, and More
The analysis tool focuses on time-value adjusted Net Present Value (IRR) of the stand and subsequent Internal Rate of Return. However, the tool can also produce nominal (non-adjusted) values for a simpler and allows you to input inflation to see the effect different inflation rates will have on your returns.
Export Reports for Records or Clients
When your analysis is completed, export a PDF report to keep for your personal records or send to clients so they can have an informed financial understanding of their forest management plan

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