Estimate the Growth and Volume of Your Forest
SilviCultural’s forest growth modeling applications visualizes real data to help you see how your forest is likely to grow overtime. Using this data, you can make better predict future yields and make decisions about proper harvest times.
Data Collected From Across the Country
Our growth modeling application pulls data from the national Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. Information from over 100,000 plot points is coalesced to provide both general and specific information about forests of all types.
Inventory Plots From Forests Around the Country
Visualize Data to Make Informed Decisions
FIA data is coalesced and distilled into refinable and digestible visuals, so you can find the information that best suits your purposes.
Join Now to Research Your Forest's Potential
Explore SilviCultural's Other Features
Explore SilviCultural's Forestry courses.
Make Maps and use them offline out in the field.
Financial Analysis
Estimate the return of your forest